Summer Reading Goals

Summer Reading Goals

Before I had a blog, I used to write down all the books I wanted to read that summer on sticky notes and places them on the wall. But now I am here and will not need to waste the paper. So, without further ado, I give you, my Summer Reading Goals.
This will be updated throughout the summer.

The List:

  • Read 35 or more books. Does not matter what size, just read them. Entirely.
  • Continue the Library Challenge. (As far as I know, this is not a challenge in the Blogosphere. Yet. But basically, I am running out of books in my library, so I have decided that every time I go to the library, I must take at least five books off the shelf I have glimpsed at but put away.)

  • Organize my bookshelf. Or build a new one. Just get rid of The Mess.

Hopefully this will help clear out my To Be Read list of books that are already out too. It's looking quite large and imposing these days…

So, do you have any summer goals? Feel free to link to a post you've made or talk about them in the comment form!


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

That's a good list of goals for the summer. I believe that J. Kaye might be running a Library Book challenge. I know there's one out there but I can't exactly remember who.

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